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Country living vs city living

In Certain cases, never cross your mind that City life is better than village life. However, there are so many advantages and disadvantages in city life and village life, also there is a big differ in the lifestyle with a little similarities. Reality, city life is more comfortable and civilization. As will as there are a lot of chances to developing the live. firstly, in City life there is a good opportunity for a young people make theme start them life with a high salary because the big companies located in the cities, in addition, a good education for children because there are better school than in the village, also, a convenient homes, large shop complexions, banks, offices, hotels, and hospitals.

see more:country living vs city living

Furthermore, a lot of things that cannot may in the village. On the contrary, there are people who prefer to live in the village because they love the village life with its healthy clean air and fresh products and they cannot live in cities, but almost they are usually the elderly.

Over all there are some similarities between both locations with big differences. But for each lives there is lovers who cannot switches lives to the other city, at the end, I see that Living in a village near the city is the best way to combine the benefits of this two lives. [continues] Read full essay

Cite This Essay
(2011, 06). City Life and Village Life. Retrieved 06, 2011, from


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Date: Jan 06,2022