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Throughout the past 30 years, there has been much speculation about how negative hip-hop music truly is, and how it actually affects the youth. ...

Change,Rap Music,Society,Tupac Shakur,

These two poems show very different views of London. “Lines composed upon Westminster Bridge”, written by William Wordsworth, describes Lon...


I’ve been in Australia for about 2 months now and I’m still speechless. It’s such a beautiful country! The land, the people, the climate, everyt...


In the movie Dead Poets Society, there are many disagreements on how the children should learn. The issue being discussed was everyone beli...

Dead poets society

The cinema attracts large numbers of people everyday. It is the magnet of the town. It sometimes attracts even those who do not wish to see a fi...


The short story_The Tigers Bride_ raises thought provoking concepts around gender through a plot both alike and unlike traditional Beauty and th...

Angela Carter,Beauty And The Beast,Gender,Tiger,

The concept of personality is needed in psychology. There are many definitions and expressions of personality. Allport, 1961 identified it ...

Compare And Contrast

We have all heard the expressions “you are what you eat” and “an apple a day keeps the doctor away.” Ends up these expressions hold more truth t...


The Watergate scandal is a well known scandal which is linked with Richard Milhous Nixon the ex-president of United States of America. Wate...


I believe in random acts of kindness. The smallest things that can make you smile. I believe that if you do something nice for someone, they wil...


1. Evaluate the role of leadership in helping teams to achieve organisational goals and objectivesWhat is it that leaders do to help thei...

Goals,Human Nature,Leadership,Team,

The Role of Health Personnel and the Public Health NursePublic health personnel and public health nurses have many responsibilities in a ...


Abstract            The internet, once a simple tool for interconnecting gove...


John Milton is considered to be the most significant English author after William Shakespeare. Although his chief work is “Paradise Lost”, he al...

Blindness,John Milton,Paradise Lost,

This paper will discuss the history and background of Arck Systems and its merger with Lux Software. I will then examine, discuss, and analyze t...


Planning:My initial thought was to just have some fun with the 30 minutes get the learners warmed with an easy enjoyable lesson to get them...


Nacho Duato uses several motifs in Jardi Tancat to establish intent in his work. His work is based on Catalonian folk tales collected and sung b...


“…the slave went free; stood a brief moment in the sun; then moved back again toward slavery” (W.E.B. Dubois). After the Civil War ended in 1865...

Politics,Racism,Reconstruction,The 13th Amendment,

Joseph Priestley, born 1733 is best knowned for his discovery of Oxygen gas or as he called it ‘dephlogisticated air’. Before Priestley’s discov...


Childhood is my most cherished and missed memory. Along with innocence, naivety, and stress-free enjoyment came safety, and the care of others a...


Eddie Mabo's Fight for Rights

Eddie Mabo is one of the most famous and significant Australian Aboriginals. He is famous for campaigning for Indigenous land rights. He was born on the 29th of June, 1946, on Murray Island, in the Torres Strait. Eddie Mabo married Bonita Newhow and together they had ten children. In 1982 Eddie Mabo and four other Torres Strait Islanders initiated action against the Australian Authorities calming ownership of their land on Murray Island. Eddie Mabo was exiled from Murray Island when he was sixteen.

During this time he lived and worked across Northern Queensland.

He began talking about his rights regarding his home land, after he was refused entry by the Australian authorities to return to Murray Island in order to visit his dying father. Soon after while having lunch with historians Henry Reynolds and Noel Loos, Mabo was made aware that the Australian Courts worked on the principal that Australia was “Terra Nullius”- land belonging to no one, prior to European Settlement.

He also worked at Captain Cook University as a gardener, where he listened to lectures and browsed the library.On the 3rd of June, 1923 (ten years after Mabo’s legal battle), the Australian High Court ruled that the Meriam Aboriginal people, held native tittle and ownership over Murray Island. This decision ended Terra Nullius and recognised native land rights in Australia. In 1993 Federal Parliament passed the ‘Native Title Act’, which opened the door for native land claims throughout Australia. Unfortunately, Mabo was not there to see his victory. He died of cancer, aged 55. This was just five months before the High Courts decision.

Date: Feb 21,2022